Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Department of Music
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York 11794-5475

Application must be received no later than April 16, 2004 (Late applications will be assessed an additional $20.00). Please be sure to include: (Incomplete applications risk exclusion from consideration).

      �	Completed Application Form and Brief Resum�.

� $30.00 Non-refundable Application Fee. (Check made payable to �The Department of Music�).

� Completed Scholarship Application (if desired).

Name____________________________ Date of Birth_______________


City______________________ State_____________ Zip Code_________

Telephone (_____)__________________

E-mail address ______________________

Name of parent(s) or guardian(s)____________________________

Address (if different from above)


City _____________________ State_____________ Zip Code_________

Telephone (______)_____________________

Sex ____Male ___Female

Present school or position_____________________________________________

Grade/Year_______ Expected graduation date____________

How old will you be July 25, 2004_______


Years of study_________

Present school Teacher____________________________________



Will you be applying for a scholarship? ___Yes ___No

*There will be a limited number of scholarships awarded which will be based on musical/technical merit and/or financial need.

For which program will you be auditioning? (Please check)

  ___Chamber Musician in Residence (Includes room and board)$1,850.00     
       ___  Students 18 years old and above may reserve an air conditioned room  
            for an additional $300.00

  ___Non-resident Chamber Musician $1,200.00       

       ___  Optional meal plan for non-residents is an additional $260.00

** Please note that Non-resident Chamber musicians are full-time participants and are expected to stay for late night rehearsals and Coachings. The schedule runs from 9:00a.m. to 10:00p.m. daily.

If you have chosen to audition for the Residency program, do you have a roommate preference?

________________________________________________________ .

Is there anybody you know that will be auditioning with whom you would like to play?      

       ___Yes  ___No  If yes, please write in their name and their instrument.                                                                                                                                

If you wish to play any specific work(s) please list them.


Are you interested in composition? yes_________ List recent compositions (if any),


_____ I will be able to attend a live audition at my scheduled time in 
            Stony Brook(Please call, 631-220-0911 for an audition time).
_____ I will not be able to attend the specified dates and have included  
            a tape with this Application. 
            (Tape and application is due on or before April 16, 2004.) 
(Late applications will be assessed an additional $20.00)

Applicant�s signature___________________________________  


Parents agreement

* note: parents� agreement must be signed if the applicant is under the age of 21

I give my child permission to attend and take part in all the activities planned for Stony Brook Summer Music Festival. I also understand that the Directors reserve the right to dismiss any musician at any time without tuition refund for unseemly conduct or for serious infraction of Stony Brook Summer Music Festival rules.

Parent or Guardian__________________________________


The parent/guardian signing this application takes financial and legal responsibility for the applicant. Further information will not be sent to anyone else unless requested.

For Office Use Only

FT _________ PT________ Lt1__________________________ Lt2__________________________

Sa ________________ P1____________ Ad___________ P2____________ FP__________